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Knoxville, TN 37917

(865) 523-5687

Worshiping, Growing, Connecting
admin • Apr 09, 2021
By The Rev. John Mark Wiggers 12 Sep, 2024
Friends and Neighbors, I remember September 12, 2001. I recall Christians, Muslims, and Jews praying together in the Alabama town where I served. The horror and shock of the previous day drew people together in solidarity. We continue to see tragedy, division, and evil in our world. We also bear witness to those who work for peace and justice. It is normal to see a rise in connection during a great tragedy. There is also the ongoing faithfulness that often goes unnoticed as we carry on in the ups and downs of life.
By The Rev. John Mark Wiggers 05 Sep, 2024
Friends and Neighbors, As we seek to love God and our neighbors as ourselves we find that it isn't always easy. There are challenges all along the way. Sometimes I am the source of the difficulty, other times we encounter folks who cause us to question what this loving is all about. In scripture, I find that the "love" isn't always about affection, but more about basic care for the general welfare of others. Thus James speaks of true religion as "care for the widows and orphans". These acts of mercy are a basic step to showing care. You and I know that even that work can be frustrating. I find that these frustrations and challenges can lead me to a deeper practice of faith.
By The Rev. John Mark Wiggers 29 Aug, 2024
Dear Friends and Neighbors, You and I are approaching a special moment. We have been doing ministry together for 15 years. I have enjoyed the journey and love doing ministry with you. I hear that we are planning a party on Sunday, September 15. Some people want to call this "my" anniversary. I get that you guys were here before I was and will continue long after me. Even so, being able to feed and tend God's sheep together for so many years is a true celebration. We do this work together.
By The Rev. John Mark Wiggers 22 Aug, 2024
Dear Friends and Neighbors, We keep hearing that we are living in "unprecedented times" or that we are "making history" in many areas of life—a great deal of exuberance and energy centers around politics. The experts are working hard to generate some energy and stir folks up. What does walking in Christ's way of love look like amid all this? I am reminded that the struggle with and for power is a critical part of scripture. In his time, Jesus confronted empire and power by calling people to justice, mercy, and faithfulness.
By Vivian Altopp 16 Aug, 2024
The phrase "Walk in love" is borrowed from a letter Paul wrote to Ephesians in which he discusses the Christian understanding of love: to "Love your neighbor as yourself:' Indeed, walking in love is integral to the Christian tradition; at the same time, essential and secularly connected to each of our hearts. As a young adult, wishing to honestly engage in a reflection of love, my mind projects past the static, screened portrayals that streamed romcoms and pop lyrics are soaked with into something deeper: love as paradox. Paradox as recognizing the relationship between two highly differing experiences which do not negate each other like contradiction does. Instead, when paired together, vastness opens up so wide, we can hold each separate concept in our hands and feel the infiniteness of life swirl within us. Paradox is a flipped coin, currency; a battery, energy. Love must be a paradox.
By The Rev. John Mark Wiggers 15 Aug, 2024
Friends & Neighbors, We carry all sorts of things. Many of us have things to carry all of our stuff in. I know that I enjoy a good bag and like to know that my pens and notebooks are close by. This Sunday, we will bless backpacks at the 10:30 AM service. This is focused on celebrating and blessing young people as they go back to school. I invite others to join us and bring their backpack, sling, or briefcase. I will be bringing my own.
By The Rev. John Mark Wiggers 15 Aug, 2024
Friends and Neighbors, School has kicked off for many of our youngsters and those who work with them. I am delighted that Lesley Starck will be leading our youth (Middle school and up) as we team up with Church of the Good Shepherd to form a North Knoxville Episcopal Youth Group! See the announcements below about a cookout on August 11. Theresa Russell continues to lead our nursery team and shape formation opportunities for younger children. We will bless backpacks and the folks who use them during our 10:30 service on August 18. I am reminded of this prayer from page 829 of The Book of Common Prayer:
By The Rev. John Mark Wiggers 31 Jul, 2024
Friends and Neighbors, We come to the end of another month as the summer winds down. Thanks to everyone who responded to my recent appeal for financial gifts. Giving increased and your generosity has helped us feed and tend God's sheep. On Sunday, we kicked off our stewardship campaign for the year with the theme "Walk in Love". That comes from a line in Ephesians 5:2 "walk in love, as Christ loved us and gave himself up for us". We love others because we have known God's love. In the next few months you will hear about different ministries that we do to serve our one mission of reconciling all to the love of God in Christ.
By The Rev. John Mark Wiggers 24 Jul, 2024
Friends and Neighbors, This edition is going out on The Feast of St. James (July 25). We will transfer the celebration to this Sunday (July 28) where we will learn about the saint our parish is named for and how we can continue the faithful witness to the Good News of Christ. It is our custom to wear red. Come and join the celebration this Sunday.
By The Rev. John Mark Wiggers 18 Jul, 2024
Friends and Neighbors, Do you know that the Episcopal Church has a calendar that marks special days to remember faithful people who have come before us? Some of them are well-known saints like the apostles or St. Francis. I am writing this on July 17 on which we remember William White, one of the earliest Episcopal bishops consecrated in the United States (1787). Later this week we will remember Macrina, martyred under the Roman Empire in 379. Saturday, July 19 is when we commemorate Elizabeth Cady Stanton, Amelia Bloomer, Sojourner Truth, and Harriet Tubman. All of those women worked faithfully for the abolition of slavery and for women's suffrage. Our church has made an effort to remember those who have lived faithfully loving God and neighbor.
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